Join the healing circle

When you join the Healing Circle you are offering to  receive requests for healing. This means that you will only receive requests to send healing prayers and thoughts of comfort and compassion to the person named.  You won't be bothered with spam or other e-mail requests or invitations.

E-mail address
Repeat password
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These options can be changed at any time after your account has been created


Thank you for joining the healing circle. When you next receive an e-mail notification of a request for healing it may help to adopt, at the appropriate time, the following three conditions:

(i) a stilling of the mind and isolation from noise and disturbance of the ‘outside world’,

(ii) a compassionate focus on the need for another’s healing,

(iii) letting go and letting God in. It is not you nor us that performs healing but the divine spirit, (in whatever form that is appropriate for you to perceive), therefore, release all earthly thoughts and desires and trust that healing will take place in accordance with the spirit’s will and not ours.