About Spiritual Healing.

This web site promotes Distant or Distance Healing. Some people refer to it as Absent Healing and others may call it Prayer.  The semantics are not important but we believe it is all part of the healing that takes place through Divine intervention. Quakers call this process Spiritual Healing.

What is Healing?

Healing is about helping people to become whole. It is not just about healing the physical body but also the emotional and spiritual aspects i.e. the whole person. Healing is a manifestation of Divine Love.

The healing ministry is not about spectacular miracles (although these may happen).There may not be a physical cure but that does not mean nothing is happening. Healing the mind or the spirit can be just as, if not more, important and it is not so obvious to the outside world.

Even if someone is dying it may help them come to terms with their condition and allow them a more peaceful passing. The effect of healing may not manifest immediately. In particular, it may take some time where the mind or spirit is concerned.

Who can be a healer?

We can all be channels for healing in various degrees. By caring for, listening, praying for others in our everyday lives we are using the spiritual gift of healing.

Anyone can do it.  Some people are particularly drawn to work in the healing ministry but it doesn't make them someone with special powers. No more than someone drawn to work for peace in the world or the relief of poverty.

Where does the healing come from?

Healing comes from the Spirit. We ourselves are not the healers. We are the instruments through which the Light can shine and give healing to others.  We are as the lamps that cast that Light. The Divine Spirit, God, the Great Mystery, whatever you chose to call it, works through us.

To be a true channel for healing we need to forget self and allow the Spirit to work through us in whatever way is needed.

It is not for us to direct the healing or try to influence the results. The Spirit rests where it will. We cannot say how or when healing will happen but we may trust that it will happen in some way even though we may never know in what way.

How can we be channels for healing?

We can simply hold people in the Light from a distance.  Divine Love knows no boundary of distance. In the spiritual dimension, we are all one. One can be a channel through being with a person in need.  We can do this by just being with people and holding them in the Light – perhaps just holding their hands.  Or we can do it more “formally'' through contact healing i.e. the laying on of hands. The theory here is that the Divine energy passes through the hands of the healer.

There is no need to do “formal'' contact healing for the healing to work but some people like to feel something is happening.  There is no need to go over the body. One can just sit with the patient or hold hand.  Sometimes this is all that is practical e.g. in hospitals.

What of those receiving healing?

One does not need faith in the religious sense to benefit from healing.

What is helpful (or at least will help to prevent blockages) is a desire to be healed and a willingness to be open to healing. This doesn't mean one has to believe that spiritual healing as such can work. It's about having a belief in the power of life - it's about having hope.  If you don't have these things but wallow in despair and hopelessness or in a wish (usually subconscious) not to be healed because the condition you suffer from suits your  psychological state, then these things may set up a barrier to healing.

It can help if the person receiving healing also links into the Light but this is not essential for the healing to work. The Spirit is powerful and so much happens on the inner levels of consciousness. The seed of hope may be sown in the soul and eventually it may germinate.'' In time even souls in the deepest despair may turn to the Light.